Create and Set Goals to Succeed in Your Career

By: Together abroad 08-01-2017

Categories:* Search tips,

Have you thought about where you would like to be in five years’ time? Have you thought about which sort of industry you would like to work in, or even what your daily work schedule should look like? Setting goals helps to frame these questions in such a way that they become manageable. They provide both a focus and a direction, which allows you to take control of the uncertainty and set a benchmark to see if you are accomplishing the things that you want to achieve. This has many benefits in life, not least when it comes to career success. So what can you do to make sure your career ambitions become more achievable?

Of course, saying that you want to set a goal is not the whole story. You need to know how to set them. It is important to considerexactly what you want to achieve, and whether you are willing to put in the time and effort to accomplish the goal. When it comes to your career, there are some important steps that can prevent failure and the problems that come with it.

Randall Hansen, of Quintessential Careers, outlines some first steps to creating a career vision statement that works for you. Firstly, make some time in your daily schedule to think about what you want to achieve and how you will accomplish it. There can be a few false starts and it is important to devote some time into thinking about what you really want. Secondly, try to express your goals positively. Do not frame them in terms of things that you donot want. Try to be as detailed as possible by having a strict schedule. In this way you can see how much progress you have made. Thirdly, do not set too many goals! You will only get overwhelmed. It is best to set a few goals and prioritise them so that you know which ones are more important, and devote more time to them accordingly. Break down your goals into manageable pieces, allowing you frequent opportunities to achieve them and reduce the risk of failing at the last hurdle. Finally, and most importantly, set realistic goals. Having goals that are beyond your control will only lead to failure and lower your morale. That is not to say you shouldnot aim high, but knowing your limits is important, and will only benefit you in the long term.

Setting goals provides a way of setting a long-term vision of your career, even as you are focused on day-to-day matters. We all need long term goals to allow us to get through the short-term obstacles that face us in everyday life. Even just sitting down and writing out what you would like to accomplish in your career is a start, as it helps to focus the mind on issues that you may not have considered in the short term. Ask a colleague or friend for feedback so that they can provide helpful and honest advice on your progress. Remember, nobody can achieve their goals in a vacuum. Above all, make sure that the goals you set are right for you.

Adam Watson

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