Salary Expectations in the Netherlands

By: Together Abroad 31-01-2017

Categories:* Salary,

Working in another country comes with several adjustments, including differences in salaries, currencies, and benefit expectations. An appropriate salary in one country may be drastically below the cost of living in another and weighing that out can be confusing. As an expat, it is important to know what should be expected when working in the Netherlands and what is open to negotiation before signing a contract.

Salary will always be dependent upon age, position, and experience and thus will vary for each person. This is especially true for expats and those hired as highly skilled migrant workers. This usually puts the employee in a well-paid position,however it may be much different than what was earned in your home country. To set expectations, the average income for a full-time employee in the Netherlands from ages 25-30 is about 30,800 Euros annually. This goes up to 41,100 Euros from ages 45-55 and unless you have a highly specialized position, it does not vary much.

Additional benefits include holiday equivalent to 8% of salary, possibly car and phone paid for, or performance based bonuses. Expats can get even further benefits by taking advantage of the demand for highly skilled workers. A highly skilled migrant hired from abroad may be able to negotiate a welcome package from your employer. This can include a relocation allowance, help with initial living arrangements, and sometimes fees for international schools for children.

The Dutch do not have much of a wealth distribution between citizens and with their high tax rates, they live a modest lifestyle. Expats as highly skilled migrant workers, may have an advantage over this as they usually attain a slightly higher salary and can invoke the 30% ruling. When moving to another country, it is important to take into account the cost of living and how your salary will hold up before signing any contracts. Moving from the U.S. to the Netherlands, I saw a decrease in salary but also a decrease in cost of living to match. Additionally, moving to the Netherlands has been more about the experiences of working internationally and meeting people from all over the world rather than an increase in salary. Do the research but also consider the reason for moving abroad and you may find the experiences you will have outweigh the money to be made!

Ashley Herbert

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