Job of The Future - the “Between Jobs”

By: Together Abroad 19-04-2017

Categories:* Daily employment news,
A “between jobs” seems to be a solution for employees with a flexible contract that want to have more stability. A four-year contract with asaving pot for training – the supermarket sector is going to try it.

Politicians and economists have been debating for a while: flex to be less flexible and fixed to be less fixed. But attempts to ensure this seem not to succeed (enough).Employers and trade union CNV think they have now found a solution: “the between job” for the supermarket sector, which is popular for side jobs. You get a four-year contract and money for training, to prepare for another profession.

More Stability

For supermarket employees this will offer greater stability and it provides a bridge between “training/education money” to a new job. The supermarkets themselves are attractive and employers do not offer additional fixed contracts, which have a high price tag.

The idea of the “between job” option comes from a working group on the future of the industry, and is equally embraced by both employers and the trade union CNV Professionals. Both parties have agreed to go into concrete agreements on the plan. Since last week, unions and employers started to negotiate a new collective agreement, which they hope to be out by the summer.

Risk: Replacement of Permanent Job

“One risk is that this intermediate job will replace the permanent job. But we have a clear commitment to each other that that is not the intention”, said Wessel Breunesse, director of CNV Professionals. And is this between job path,something for other industries? Yes, if it comes to industries that are similar to supermarkets: a lot of flex jobs and a big gap between flexible and fixed, said Breunesse.

There are of course still students who just want to work only a year,at say AH.For them, there are valid special working conditions. Holidays are converted to cashfor example.

FNV Not Present

The fixed contract will still exist, but the employee will receive additional money for training and vitality. The intermediate job is, as the word says it all, between those two types of contract, writes Volkskrant.FNV was not at work on the renovations. But the union is not necessarily opposed to the new plans.
