Dutch Employees Are Satisfied with Their Work

By: Together Abroad 13-10-2017

Categories:* Daily employment news,

Dutch employees go with great satisfaction to their work. They can find it goes well with their boss and colleagues. Dutch employees are also more positive than employees from other countries, and they often feel that their expectations are met more, as a research "The Evolution of Work" by the ADP Research Institute® shows, in a global survey of work trends, including more than 2,000 employers and employees in 13 countries.

Dutch employees are the most optimistic

Dutch people, according to the research, are "optimistic thinkers" and form an exception of colleagues from other countries as a whole. Employees and employers agree relatively often in the Netherlands. According to 73% of Dutch employees, their company has a strong reputation, compared to 72% of employers. The Netherlands is the only country where employees and employers judge the reputation of the company. In other European countries, employers usually assess this aspect and other criteria in general.

Talent development used for improvement

The gap between employers and employees in Europe is extreme in talent management. Only 40% of European employees indicate that they have a clear development path within their business, compared with 68% of employers. Exceptionally, Dutch and German employees are indeed more positive about career development, appraisals and recruitment with their employers.

Dutch employees feel the most useful

Another important finding from the ADP survey is that European employees feel relatively less valued over workers outside Europe. In this respect, the European countries differ widely. For example, only 38% of British employees and 23% of French employees feel valued at work, compared with 56% of Germans and 50% of Dutch. Besides appreciation, being useful is an important role in work experience. Dutch employees carry the upper hand in Europe where 65% feel useful at work.

Translated by Maybeline Whitter

Source: https://www.personeelsnet.nl/bericht/nederlandse-werknemer-is-heel-tevreden-over-het-werk