By: Together Abroad 28-08-2014

Categories:* Job Interview ,


As Organizations leans more towards the use of technology and social media to support recruitment efforts, it is becoming increasingly common for the interview process to be done remotely.
Remote interviews can be a complicated terrain to navigate as the absence of non-verbal cues can leave even the most confident job seeker feeling unsure and unsettled. But with adequate preparation a positive outcome can be expected.
When faced with a remote interview such as telephone interviews, skype interviews, or videoconferencing, it is advisable to comport in the same manner as one would do for a face to face interview. Adequate preparation is required in order to maximize the situation and present oneself as the candidate of choice.

A few pointers are listed below to help you make a good impression at your next remote interview.
1. Research the company culture and ensure that you dress the part. Whether or not the interviewer can see you, dressing professionally will boost your confidence and put you in a better frame of mind to perform optimally.
2. Maintain proper housekeeping. Your surroundings should be professional and uncluttered. This is particularly important if you are participating in a skype or video conference. You want to come across as organised and professional and your background aesthetics should mirror that.
3. Be Familiarize yourself with how the technology works. Practice before hand to be sure you are comfortable the application you will be using for the call. Check and cross check that everything works at least thirty minutes before the call starts.
4. Keep notes handy to jog your memory. This will help you get your points across in a confident manner and ensure you do not forget salient points.
5. Avoid distractions such as your mobile phone ringing, children in the background or loud music. Find Some where quiet where you can concentrate without being interrupted. It is advisable to keep the door locked.
6. For a phone interview, stand up. By doing this, you will sound more professional and confident
7. Use an appropriate profile picture for your skype account. Impressions count therefore you want to keep your picture professional and your profile name should be as close to the name on your resume as possible.
8. Practice using the application with a friend. This will increase your confidence during the actual call and remove any worries you might have about using the application.

Good luck in your job search!
Quote for the day: “One important key to success is self- confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation”. Arthur Ashe

Written by Tamkara Adun Online recruiter Together Abroad