What if You Do Not Like Your New Job

By: Together Abroad 14-11-2016

Categories:* Daily employment news,

Before you took the job, you had thoroughly prepared yourself, Googled everything about the company, asked good questions during the application process and carefully considered whether the work will fit your needs. And after the first few weeks, you feel that taking the job was a mistake.

And Now?

Laura (not the real name of the source who would speak only on condition of anonymity), asks herself several times a day. After she spent years doing research at a major pharmaceutical company, she decided to change her course.

“I did not want to spend more whole days in a lab or on a computer. That is why I applied for a job at a consultancy firm. That went very well”.Enthusiasticallyshe said that she had found her new direction.

A week later, the atmosphere totally reversed. “Nobody talks to me. My predecessor was very popular and I am seen as a kind of intruder”, she said. “I thought I would give people advice, but my boss was immediately clear. I just need to say what they want to hear, but I cannot do that at all! This job is not what I had in mind”.

You Are Not the Only One

A small consolation: you are not the first who comes across this. Rick van de Water, psychologist and owner of Amsterdam Career coach, hears this often. “Employers like to tell how great their organization is, but it always appears to be a gamble. In the ideal scenario, you get a chance to try the job for a day or a week, but often this remains only in conversations. Sometimes the work turns out to be disappointing or not according to the expectations”.

Discuss It with Your Boss

If you still have not found your “place” after three months, then it is good to evaluate your job. “Think about what exactly is wrong at work. Discuss this with your employer. Maybe things can be changed there, such as responsibilities”, he says.

But can you just go to the bossafter a few months tapped with a list of complaints? “People often do not dare to do this because they were very enthusiastic at the beginning of the job. But you do not have anything to keep for yourself”, he says.

Another solution is to secretly continue to apply for other job vacancies and to resign from your current employer. “That's not fair to your new employer. If there is really nothing that can be changed, you can always modify the context and look for another job”, says Van de Water.

In the end though, if the job does not work out for you then that is clear too. “For example, it is like dating, if the first click is not there, it is difficult later to force it. Often you know best”.

Realize Your Job Does Not Always Have to Be Nice

It is also important to always keep in mind that it does not have to always be nice at your job. You got your salary not for nothing. “I sometimes get tired of people who say you should do what your passion is. I think that you should do work which you are comfortable with. It is also important to create a balance in your life. In the end,you need to make it work”.

Source: https://www.rtlnieuws.nl

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