Dutch are willing to give up pay for job security

By: Together Abroad 22-01-2015

Categories:** HR daily news,

The Dutch are willing to give up pay or days off, especially if it means getting more job security, according to Het Financieele Dagblad.

The newspaper stated that the long period of moderate economic growth and redundancy has reinforced the feeling among employees that they must abandon certain rights, reported Nu.nl.

Researcher Hans van der Spek of HR knowledge center, Berenschot, also sees that there is more willingness among employees to forego salary increase, wage or a thirteenth month.

A study he conducted showed that the terms of employment of almost a quarter of employers worsened in 2014. One in 10 employers asked the staff to compromise, and for one in every five employers studied, demotion was an option. This was especially seen in the finance and construction sectors.