Highly Skilled Migrant | Kennismigrant Payroll Service

Highly Skilled Migrant | Kennismigrant Payroll service

If you're looking to hire highly skilled migrants without IND accreditation or a legal entity in the Netherlands, we have the solution for you. Our company has partnered with a leading provider of global talent payroll services, specializing in bringing international talent right to your doorstep.Our partner's Highly Skilled Migrant | Kennismigrant Payroll service takes care of all the details of employing highly skilled migrants, including staff management and payroll administration. With over 15 years of experience in global workforce mobility, they efficiently navigate the visa process, know which documents are required, and have established relationships with Dutch embassies around the world.

Their comprehensive service minimizes the chance of errors and pays attention to every detail, allowing you to focus on your core business while saving operational costs. Highly skilled migrants working with us are exempt from mandatory Dutch pension participation, and we offer affordable and tailor-made alternative pension arrangements. As a recognized sponsor for highly skilled migrants by the Dutch Immigration Service (IND), they can obtain a work permit within 2 weeks. We have a duty of care to ensure our administration is accurate, complete, and compliant with Dutch legislation and are also NEN 4400 certified, with staffing, payroll, and financial administration inspected twice a year by NEN inspectors.
With our partnership, you can benefit from highly skilled migrants sourced by a professional partner, a convenient and safe hiring service, and compliance with Dutch law and regulations. Trust us to ensure the continuity of your workforce without any worries about legislation or regulations regarding highly skilled migrants.

We are excited to help you take your business to the next level with our global talent payroll services. Contact us today to learn more: Schedule a call with us
WTC The Hague Business Center (3rd Floor)
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33
2595 AM Den Haag | THe Hague
✉ L.van.orsouw@togetherabroad.nl
☎ +31(0)62296673

For nearly 14 years Undutchables works with full satisfaction together with Together Abroad.
We started with just posting our jobs on their job board, and throughout the years our cooperation has grown into a valuable partnership.

Since last year Together Abroad present their workshop “How to find a job in The Netherlands” also at the 4 Undutchables offices to our candidates. We are happy to be able to provide such great and reliable service to our candidates.
And we look forward to continue our fruitful cooperation in the future.

Kirsten Jansen - van den Broek Undutchables

We have worked with Together Abroad as advertisers since their inception in 2009.

During this time, we have found them to be very responsive to our needs and very pleasant people to work with.

I would certainly recommend them as reliable and responsive business partners with an eye to the market and having their fingers on the pulse of the Dutch employment sector.


Ray Paker - Madison Parker International

I have known Linda since the inception of Together Abroad and have always been impressed by her passion for the world of internationals and the energy and drive they have invested in their business.

She have built an important portal for the international community in the Netherlands providing information, trainings and job opportunities to this group.

The job board is an important resource to Adams and gives us greater exposure to the jobs we advertise and an additional source of candidates.


Maureen Adam - Adam's Multilingual Recruitment