In the last few weeks, StudentJob has questioned 10,651 students and starters from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, France, Spain and Great Britain. The main question was to which extent students were willing to move to another country for employment.
Spanish most ambitious
Spanish youths are the most ambitious. 88.6 per cent of them say that they would like to work abroad. Over half of the emigrants to be say that the most important reason is that ‘they will do anything for their career’. ‘Not very surprising’ according to StudentJob in view of the job shortage back home. A mere 6.9 per cent proclaims to be satisfied with the current situation; this means that Spanish youths are the least satisfied.
Austrians and Germans adventurous
With 81.4 per cent, the Austrians are second on the Emigration Urge List. 70 per cent of them state that they would emigrate because ‘they are game for an adventure’. It is apparent that the actual career is far less important for Austrians. They also don’t see any possible negative sides of emigrating: only 2.4 per cent say that they consider the risks involved with emigrating for work to be too large. It is also striking that German youths are so adventurous. 78 per cent is willing to emigrate for work and 63.9 per cent would go for it because of the adventure.
Dutch and Belgians rather stay at home
Dutch youths are the least ambitious in their reasons for moving abroad for work. Career doesn’t play as small a part in any of the other countries. In total, ‘only’ 73.1 per cent of Dutch youngsters state that they would leave their homeland for a job (most of them for the sake of the expected adventure). Only our neighbours to the south are even more conservative. With 66.5 per cent, Belgium dangles at the bottom of the Emigration Urge List. Belgian youngsters (8.3 per cent)and Dutch youngsters (4.8 per cent) also seem to worry about the potential risks the most.
Not afraid of the risks
‘There are a lot of differences to be seen among the European countries. But in general, you could say that youngsters today don’t even see borders anymore. What they really want is a fun and career building job and they are willing to take risks to achieve this. Even if it means that they would have to leave their familiar hunting grounds. Often, their situation allows them to; they usually don’t have families of their own yet’, according to executive for StudentJob.
Source: P&O Actueel