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Expat Career coach and Outplacement in the Netherlands

* Together Abroad Job Board | Coaching & Outplacement for Expats & Non-Dutch speakers TOP bedrijf!

Together Abroad is specialized in Outplacement Services for Expats, highly skilled migrants, Internationals, and non-

With over > 15 years of experience, Together Abroad specializes in the Dutch Labour market for Non-Dutch speakers inside-out. Our consultant understands the world of Expats and Internationals, which is why our redundancy outplacement service for non-Dutch highly skilled internationals is tailored to...

Wentholt Coaching & Training

Working and living abroad doesn’t only imply changing your work location - there is a range of cultural differences involved to which you will sooner or later have to adapt. Some of these cultural differences are so subtle that it’s hard to really notice and become fully aware of them.
Still, they do have an impact on your working life and wellbeing.

In Coaching Across Cultures you are assisted to cope with being effective in a new cultural environment. Differences and...

Akkie Okma / The Hague

My name is Akkie Okma and I am a career counselor. I have over the years established a sound record of successful counselling. My experience as a senior HR advisor in a large professional organization, together with my social skills enable me to assist clients to set their goals and change their career in their chosen direction.
It is my challenge to search for your strengths in order to maximise your talents and to broaden your horizon.

Career on purpose

Are you an expat at a turning point in your career, but uncertain about your next step?
Or have you left your job behind, but staying at home is not for you, and you'd rather find work where you can fulfill yourself?

Get an overview of the key strategies to reinvent your career by registering for free on

O’ona Souissi helps international professionals build a meaningful career. She is a certified Executive Coach with a...

DoSo Coaching & Counseling Dorota Klop-Sowinska, / Amsterdam

For expats who want to:

• Find new goals in life
• Find out what makes them happy
• Learn to trust their intuition
• Learn to build the bridge between ‘old’ and ‘new’ life
• Re-discover their talents
• Keep balance between private and professional life

The introduction phone call is free of charge (20 minutes). To schedule a free phone call please fill in the contact form

Eva Kempinger Expats@work Online coaching

Job Search or Career Orientation? That IS the question.
Germany, Holland, France, Italy and the United States….. I lived and worked there. Each time I had to learn the local language, find a job, make new contacts and each time I lost myself a little bit more. Looking back, living abroad was the best way to personal development. And, I learned: first you need to know where you want to go, what you want, who you are and what you have to offer in (expat) life and career.


Expart specializes in career coaching for expats and their partners looking for career opportunities in The Netherlands. Expart helps you to identify your options by creating tailor-made programs for :
Job search,
Career change,
CV/ cover letter writing
Market research and networking
Setting up your own business

Expart was founded by, Sacha Tanis-Hopmans, a qualified career coach and Intercultural trainer. She combines years of personal experience abroad...

Power to Change, Anne Galloway

At Power-to-Change we believe that career planning is too important to be left to chance and that is why we offer a range of programs, tools and techniques to assist you to:

• Decide on the right career path
• Manage your career
• Sell yourself with confidence on your CV and at interviews
• Review job search strategies
• Write a winning CV, Motivation Letter and LinkedIn Profile
• Start and grow your own business

Contact me today for...