How to use active verbs in a motivation letter?

By: tOGETHER aBROAD 29-11-2015 11:21 AM
Categories: * Motivation letter,

Firstly, let’s understand what a motivation letter is!
A motivation letter is an important support to your CV which reflects your interests, motivation, self-confidence and awareness of the position which you are applying for. The main purpose of the motivation letter is to tell the employer why you are applying for this position, why you are the best candidate for the position, and to convince him/her to conduct an interview with you.

Thus, the professionally written motivation letter which is emphasising your advantages and hiding your disadvantages can be truly seen as the first important step in getting the job of your dreams. Therefore, it is very important to choose the best writing style for your motivation letter. This is where the importance of active verbs comes into play!
Let’s understand why you need active verbs in your motivation letter.
Almost every book or article recommends you to use active verbs and avoid passive tones in your job application. You may wonder why it is that important to use them. Simply, because active verbs will increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of you motivation letter and give it a special touch! Let's look at how you can use them in the best way:

To make it effective:
If you want your motivation letter to look effective, you need enough active verbs in it. Remember, you are making your personal advertisement and by using active verbs, you will avoid generic, boring phrases and make the text easier to read. Use them to make your phrases sound better by being more energetic. It does not matter which strong sides you are talking about, you have to use the correct language, and make sure that your motivation letter has enough active verbs to be selected and noticed by the employer. However, it is worth remembering that it is not always appropriate to ignore the passive constructions as in some cases their presence is necessary.

To show your achievements:
Active verbs are really suitable for describing your achievements. Use them in order to convincingly discuss the responsibilities you have taken and what you have achieved in your previous jobs. Active verbs work well in the beginning of the paragraph where you discuss your achievements as well as in the description of your skills and key abilities.
For example: I have collected research or I have arranged a meeting.

Show your uniqueness:

Use active verbs to show what benefits and qualities you will bring to the company, and not the other way around. For example, the use of active verbs like facilitated, developed or managed will help your motivational letter to stand out from the letters of other candidates.
Use easy words and sentences
Your motivation letter should make the recruiter want to 'buy' it. Imagine how many CVs and motivation letters each recruiter reads per day! It is obvious that the eyes of your recruiter will try to catch on the main blocks and search for the keywords that interest him. Active verbs will help you to bring his or her attention to the main points you want them to know about you. However, remember to keep your letter easy to follow and do not use very difficult sentences. Your motivation letter should consist of simple words and NEVER the formalised phrases like those which can be found on the internet.

Which words?

You have started to write your motivation letter but do not know which active verbs you can use? Here is the table from the Wheaton College website with the most useful active verbs! Good Luck!


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