Minister wants more MBO internship with freelancers.
Minister Jet Bussemaker (Education) aims to make it easier for MBO students to follow an internship by the self-employed ( freelancers ). At this moment the students don’t chose the self-employed for their internships because there’s too much uncertainty around the subject, according to a letter from Bussemaker to parliament sent this Friday . The self-employed should comply with quality requirements and be recognized as a training company .
According to Bussemaker thease are mainly very specialist and creative professions such as for example gold- and silversmiths. They often work independently.
Parliament had asked the minister to seek more opportunities to create internships by such professionals.
Many MBO students struggle to gain experience in practice, while it is necessary to complete their education . However an internship by a freelancer should be a match with the education of the student, only then a student can follow it, thinks Bussemaker .
Source: NU.nl