Although, selling your personal brand while employed is easier, it can be particularly tricky, if your current boss is unaware. You definitely do not want to lose your job before finding a new one.
To avoid such situations, here are some tips on job searching while employed:
• Don’t tell anyone at work
“Loose lips sink ships”, an old adage might be quite accurate in this situation. Announcing your future departure can jeopardise your current and potential job
• Don’t do job search in the office
Tracking your internet usage is very common nowadays in the workplace, so avoid problems and do your job search in your personal time and place
• Be professional
It is extremely important to stay productive and focused in your current job even while job hunting; it professionalism. Also, avoid bad-mouthing your current employer as this will come across unprofessional to hiring managers and it can harm your future employment
• Keep LinkedIn up-to-date
LinkedIn has become a very popular platform for recruiters and keeping it up to date is essential. In LinkedIn, you can change your settings on your public and group profiles to not display if you are looking for a job, especially if your boss or other colleagues are in the same online network
• Keep it confidential
It is important to inform your potential employer to keep your interview details confidential and remind your family and friends not to mention your job search online or to your colleagues.
• References
To avoid awkward situations, do not use any of your current co-workers or supervisors as references
• Schedule interview after work hours
Staying productive at work is essential to leave on a good note; missing work for an interview is not a good idea. Try to schedule the interview before or after work. Also, consider using an unused vacation day to attend the interview
• If confronted, be honest
If your boss confronts you about leaving the company, be honest. Nothing is gained by deceiving him or her
By Marguerite Hodge